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Paul Stanton
Joined 17/02/10
Last Visit 28/09/16
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Posted on 17 December 2012 at 12:56:21 GMT
Am slightly confused by orbital strikes - As I understand it, and ready for correction, you can buy as many as available but only one can be used per command from the FAO's. Are these one shot wonders or do they refill at the end of each turn?


Joined 05/06/07
Last Visit 24/05/22
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Posted on 17 December 2012 at 13:06:46 GMT

Each list has a set limit of light and heavy that they can purchased. Once used it's gone. Each command order can can only call in one orbital but multiple command orders may be made as usual applying the cumulative command penalties etc... Heavies get an extra penalty of course.

Great fun to use but do recall the visibilty rules that we always forget, infantry at edge of terrain thta have done nothing can't be seen. We rush into using orbitals on infantry in cover and only after forget we couldn't until we'd seen them Silly
Paul Stanton
Joined 17/02/10
Last Visit 19/02/17
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Posted on 17 December 2012 at 15:45:19 GMT
thanks for that but where does it say once used it's gone? Can't find that anywhere - knew that's what we played at bootcamp but colleagues here needed it in black and white.

I understood it was an asset like a battery of guns that could be used as/when required when you got the command off.
United Kingdom
Joined 09/11/08
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Posted on 17 December 2012 at 17:22:31 GMT
Each asset is a single strike. You require a battery of guns to fire an artillery asset, but each individual asset is still a one-use wonder.
Joined 05/06/07
Last Visit 24/05/22
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Posted on 17 December 2012 at 20:05:55 GMT

Beat them with a stick. It doesn't say I can't throw my opponents toys out the window either Gimme.

As biggoober says, assets are one shot.

Page 29, Orbital strikes, 1st paragraph, last line: "Requesting an orbital strike requires one orbital strike asset to be used for each successful request."

Accepting the lists have limited numbers then the implication is that once it is used it is...used up.

Of course if they insist then just play a 1500ap game vs them and take an Aryx, a pimped CO, minima infantry in reserve and all the Orbitals you can take and show them how broken that would be Grin.
United Kingdom
Joined 14/10/11
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Posted on 26 December 2012 at 20:46:45 GMT
Hello chaps,

As it happens, 'twas I who was playing Paul when this query arose. Now don't get on my case about it as, at the time, it was Paul who was dropping small planetoids on my troops not 'tother way round.

I'm more than happy to go with the consensus that all Assets (capital A) are one use only. The down side of this is that you still have to buy an FAO in order to use them, so buying only one or two orbital strikes would be a waste of the points expended on the FAO. Once he has used his two orbitals, he has nothing to do for the rest of the game other than relaxing and reclining with his thumb in an uncomfortable place. So if you're going to take orbitals then ... take lots of them.

Looking at the numbers ... an orbital strike has the potential to do twice as much damage as an off-table artillery piece, at a little over half the price, so there is good sense in making them one-off items.

It's good to have this clear in my head now as one of my latest purchases happens to be a Plasmablast Games Orbital Combine army which does not have the option for the off-table artillery I'm so fond of, so ... well it's in the name "Orbital" Combine.

My prototype paint scheme for my OC if anyone's interested:
Joined 05/06/07
Last Visit 24/05/22
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Posted on 27 December 2012 at 12:13:07 GMT
Nice painting scheme.

Yes, the FAO can have an early shower after the orbitals but he does still act as AA albeit not a great one, but it all helps. Although sneaky Krayonians have dual purpose commanders so have their cake and can eat it.

Hitting armour on 5s+ rather than 6s is quite a usefull tool !!
Paul Stanton
Joined 17/02/10
Last Visit 19/02/17
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Posted on 30 December 2012 at 10:17:04 GMT

looking forward to seeing the OC on the table. Now Krays or Khazari?
Dave Fielder
Joined 16/02/07
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Posted on 19 January 2013 at 00:03:35 GMT
Paul, have you beaten the guys in the Fort with a stick yet? I liked the sound of that rule ....
Joined 26/01/08
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Posted on 19 January 2013 at 01:07:30 GMT
Line of sight? We don' need no stinkin' line of sight. The whole idea behind Ortillery is to glass as much of the planet as possible to reduce...and by "reduce" I mean massacre, any resistance to advancing troops.Wink
Paul Stanton
Joined 17/02/10
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Posted on 19 January 2013 at 17:00:31 GMT

Only this that needed it & never Bren
United Kingdom
Joined 14/10/11
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Posted on 19 January 2013 at 19:04:41 GMT
I'm just hoping that "Beating with a stick" isn't an obscure Royal Marine euphemism for something ..... else. Stunned
Dave Fielder
Joined 16/02/07
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Posted on 19 January 2013 at 22:51:40 GMT
... it's dressing up time my lovelies; dresses at the ready ...Shock
Paul Stanton
Joined 17/02/10
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Posted on 20 January 2013 at 16:57:06 GMT
off topic within 5 moves Grin nice one Dave
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