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Paul H
United Kingdom
Joined 09/01/09
Last Visit 04/07/17
68 Posts
Posted on 11 October 2011 at 15:32:57 GMT

Rules state that the maximum number of 1 Land Train/Battlegroup.

Understandable with battlegroups of 2,500 points or less. But what about larger games, say of 5,000 points per side?

Is it still reasonable for only one land train then?

Land Trains were supposed to be as rare as Titans in other armies.

Can we have a rules change to show that, possibly listing a 'Battlegroup' to be anything up to 3,000 points? Ie, in this case 5,000 points could have 2 Land Trains, more than 6,000 points 3 Land Trains, etc.

Paul H
Joined 05/02/04
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Posted on 11 October 2011 at 15:50:44 GMT
For larger games, have two battlegroups on the same side.
Paul H
United Kingdom
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Posted on 11 October 2011 at 16:15:15 GMT

Thanks for quick answer, Pete, but thinking of campaign games.

So you suggesting more than one battlegroup in same army? Makes sense that differnt clans joining under one leader.

Paul H
United Kingdom
Joined 27/04/09
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Posted on 11 October 2011 at 16:31:16 GMT
Talk through with opponents.
If they are going to be striding around with a multitude of titans I'm sure the potential challenge of a pair of Land Trains on the table at the same time would be met with an equal amount of fear and enthusiasm! Especially in a campaign! Grin
If I fielded two I know I would not only loose them both in the same game, but probably in the same turn. Sad
Joined 05/06/07
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Posted on 12 October 2011 at 10:43:53 GMT
Vanila Rules Paul Wink

You'll be taking Gordon's crown of evil sneaky datardly plam make soon Grin
United Kingdom
Joined 14/03/06
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Posted on 12 October 2011 at 11:54:45 GMT
I think it may be worth having a play with the Land Train before the campaign starts so that any queries are resolved

Here's your starter for 10

Q1. Can all of the components of a LT shoot straight head over the top of other carraiges or are they restricted toshooting to the front left and right sides?

Q2. When troops assault out of a shielded vehicle are they subject to shield attacks?
Joined 05/06/07
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Posted on 12 October 2011 at 13:09:02 GMT
Q1. Standrad profile rules apply as it says no different.
The mortar and howitzer are indirect anyway and the AA is primarily AA.

The flamethrower does say all units hit in a straight line up to the max range so that would include other parts of the train!!

Travel with a permanent kink Wink

Q2 They do on shield domes so I don't see why not? Are there any IFVs that have shields?

If vehicle shields (or even infantry ones) are effectively a glove over the vehicle then stepping out the hatch without turning off the shield would be silly Silly
Joined 05/06/07
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Posted on 20 October 2011 at 13:18:29 GMT
For those interested to know, Paul tried out the land train on Monday.

It was all going so well as the Eldritch held their fire and remained skulking unseen and the train rolled forwards to its objective.

Then it came into range of the Eldritch flamers, infantry and missiles.

Important safety tip for prospective land train drivers; it is not a good idea to lead the assault with it whilst your support hangs back and watches you.

Round 1 of firing wrecked the shields. Round 2 trashed the engine. Round 3 suppressed the artilery carriage... and then it went downhill very fast Lifeless

If you thought Walkers were fire magnets...
Joined 14/08/05
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Posted on 21 October 2011 at 21:51:53 GMT
Sounds painful LifelessSmile
Paul H
United Kingdom
Joined 09/01/09
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Posted on 23 October 2011 at 19:47:52 GMT

Actually there was support. A blunder forcing my force to advance into fire zone didn't help. The land train didn't destroy the 2 light weapon systems on Medium Bunkers, the Hvy Tank, nor the one or two Raptors.

Depite the eventual loss of the land train, Eldritch still didn't come close to breaking the McGregor clan. In fact my losses were somewhere between 3:2 and 2:1 ratios. Less tahn what you would expect in an attack/defence game with defenders having hidden setup.

If I'd kept the train further back (and remembered oscurant rules) the topic would have been the utter destruction of Eldritch forces by Clan McGregor.

And foolishly not having any recce unit painted ready. (That error being addressed - as is the lack of Assault Mortars) Wink

Battle on tomorrow!
Paul H
Paul H
United Kingdom
Joined 09/01/09
Last Visit 04/07/17
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Posted on 23 October 2011 at 20:24:37 GMT

Forgot couple of walkers at back of table (dreadnought minis). Not sure what they were, but the static, unused targets died.

So final scores were (roughly)

Clan: 1005 pts lost (out of 3000)
Eldritch: 740 pts lost. (out of 1800 effective)

Eldritch had hidden setup, dug in in BUA's & medium bunkers.

Game lasted 6 full turns (out of 10)

Paul H
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