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Joined 18/03/11
Last Visit 16/08/11
3 Posts
Posted on 16 August 2011 at 02:53:32 GMT
Hello all. I am wondering about creating command units using the points calculator. First off, where do I get the stat lines from? It says that the command unit costs include move, hit, etc. I've tried looking at the various lists in the book and have tried to calculate the points cost using the calculator, but they end up costing a different value. Also, what about vehicles as command units? Any light that can be shed upon this would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
United Kingdom
Joined 14/03/06
Last Visit 03/05/22
229 Posts
Posted on 16 August 2011 at 08:56:01 GMT
What stats where you using?

I input the Pax Arcadians command stats and they came out as per the book

eg PA CO CV9 (120) with 3 attacks (3-2) X 10 = 130

All command units have certain standard stats, Save = 6 and Range = 30

COs move 60 and have 6 hits
HQs move 40 and have 4 hits
FAO/FAC move 30 and have 4 hits

The only other variable is whether they are foot or grav (+10)

There is nothing to stop you using vehicles as command units
but they would use the command stats instead of the vehicles stats throughout the game - I imagine this represents the focus of the unit ie command or combat
Joined 18/03/11
Last Visit 23/08/11
3 Posts
Posted on 23 August 2011 at 23:39:37 GMT
Ahh that makes sense. Thank you. I was adding each stat to the command unit, i.e. move, attacks etc. I guess I was over thinking it! Cheers.
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