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United States
Joined 04/09/08
Last Visit 07/03/20
254 Posts
Posted on 30 June 2011 at 23:15:18 GMT
I know that a Command Unit can teleport on to the table as a deployment. (FWC p.47)

My question is can a Command Unit (specifically CO or HQ)teleport once they are on the table? This way the HQ would teleport with his troopers into battle on the table. (I'm thinking this is sort of like an HQ flying around with and commanding gunships.)

Of course the HQ teleporting this way would be vulnerable to the curses of the warp. ie suffer all the nasty penalties of teleporting blunders. (Hey Joe. Where did the looootenant go during that jump? ... Oh... Stunned)
United States
Joined 04/09/08
Last Visit 11/03/20
254 Posts
Posted on 30 June 2011 at 23:36:38 GMT
Second Question: Can you have a recon unit that teleports while on the table?
United States
Joined 04/09/08
Last Visit 11/03/20
254 Posts
Posted on 30 June 2011 at 23:53:03 GMT
If the recon can teleport then I would think they would also have to roll a command for it with say a CV of 8. If blunder then all the blunder results could hit them. The command roll would be in place of the normal 1d6 for movement.

They could only teleport to a position that they could see.
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