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Joined 27/07/15
Last Visit 17/09/16
49 Posts
Posted on 31 July 2015 at 22:51:17 GMT
Hi guys,
I have just started skimming my way through the rule book (it arrived today).

One thing I haven't been able to figure out from the rules (albeit I've only been able to dedicate 20 mins) is a standing question I have over the points allocation of HQ units and artillery or air assest.


1) How does the HQ points system work:
In the case of an HQ unit, if I have a battalion of say 10 chieftains, 9 would be for 3 squadrons of 3 troops of tanks and then 1 HQ. When I purchase the 10th tank in the formation is it:

a) Tank =185 + HQ 'upgade' 60 = 245 points.
b) Tank = 185 and 'free' 'upgrade' as you have already paid for the vehicle = 185 points.
c) HQ unit purchase alone = 60 points (but I get a free cheiftain?!?)
d) Something else?

Also, apply the same question to the battlegroup CO. In a British armoured brigade the battalion CO would also be in a chieftain (with his staff/escort) in Spartans.

2) In a similar vein, when I buy fast air assets or artillery, do I pay for the unit (eg Abbot @60 points) alone or do I pay for thr unit plus it's ammo? And if I don't buy any ammo does that mean the about have not 'weapons effect' in game? So (HE+10 Smoke+20) which means that the poor little abbot is now 50% more expensive (90 points)? Also does that 10 points HE mean 10 points covers all artillery for infinite rounds or is it litterally x1 10pt HE = one round for one weapon? So if I have 4 abbots and 4 81mm mortars and I want 5 HE rounds each am I really meant to spend 400pts on thr rounds for all those artillery pieces?!?

Sorry I am sure this is a really dumb question.

United States
Joined 20/07/05
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Posted on 01 August 2015 at 02:24:59 GMT
1 The headquarters is a separate element with its own statistics. It is not added to a chieftain unit and does not provide an additional Chieftain.

2. The artillery/air unit is purchased on its own. Artillery comes with "free" HE ammo that is on call. Special munitions and scheduled fire cost additional points. Each round of scheduled fire or special munitions that is purchased is for one fire only. For BKC2 see page 45 - additional information or CWC page 54 - additional information.
Joined 27/07/15
Last Visit 22/10/21
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Posted on 01 August 2015 at 07:19:59 GMT
Thanks Billb,
That's rather anoying. So how to people tend to represent armoured battalions? Would it be the 10 tanks and an HQ unit in a vehicle (say infantry with a jeep or just an APC on its own)?

Would there be any issues in the rules paying to 'upgrade' the 10th tank to an HQ tank (say 185 for the tank and then another 60 for the HQ upgrade)? Alternatively by the HQ unit and represent it as a tank but with the HQ stats?

Seems a shame to have to put a 'soft skin' HQ with an armoured formation - especially as they wold typically have their HQ in an a command tank.

Anyone have any good ideas on how to 'fix' this?

United Kingdom
Joined 04/09/06
Last Visit 03/09/23
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Posted on 01 August 2015 at 08:20:38 GMT
Hi Sharpe 95,
you might find this thread worth a look as it lists some orbats we use for '85 Brits.
The "HQ" isn't an upgrade, it is a unit type in it's own right with specific rules unique to them. Try to think of the HQs as a bit of an abstract representation of all the command units in a battalion.You can still put a tank on the command/HQ stand just use a different sized/shaped base so you can tell them apart from your regular units. There are plenty of examples on members blogs and pictures posted on the miniatures section to give you some ideas as to how other players organise their armies. Hope this helps.
Joined 27/07/15
Last Visit 22/10/21
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Posted on 01 August 2015 at 12:15:36 GMT
Hi Steve,
That sounds about the right thing to do. The TO&E's stake for armoured brigades the HQ should be an MBT. If this is the case I will put a Chieftain on a command base (maybe put some wippy wires and/or some kind of destinctive camo netting or something on it too). I will then use this as a command base and not a cheiftain. Thus a Tank Rgt will now look like this:

HQ (chieftain on HQ base with HQ stats).
2IC (chieftain on HQ base with HQ stats).
X4 squadrons of 4 chieftains (16 tanks, where 1 tank = 1 troop).
1 recce troop of 1 Scimitar (again as 1 tank = 1 troop I have to settle for just 1, but I am thinking of making it 2 in this instance).
1 ATGW tropp of 1 Striker (same principle as recce troop, might add one more).

United Kingdom
Joined 03/07/07
Last Visit 27/10/15
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Posted on 01 August 2015 at 14:02:27 GMT
I put all my 'fighting units' on square or oblong bases and the 'command vehicles' on circular bases.
Joined 27/07/15
Last Visit 22/10/21
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Posted on 01 August 2015 at 16:14:39 GMT
Hi Julesay,
I was thinking about doing something similar. Do the base sizes make a particular impact in game (aside from being able to quickly identify what is what)?

Big Insect
United Kingdom
Joined 27/04/10
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Posted on 03 August 2015 at 10:28:07 GMT
Bigger your bases the more likely they might get covered by an artillery template but in reality it makes no huge difference.

The smaller the bases the more closely pack the vehicles can be but again with the ranges & arcs of fire in the game it makes little difference.

I've started buying laser cut Hexagonal bases to differentiate some of my command/independent units, they look nice.

So my HQ's are on 40mm x 40mm bases, with Recce on 25mm circles (or a UK 2 pence piece) with FAOs on 30mm Hex's ...
NB: I am liking the Hex idea & might re-base one of my more 'advanced' FWC sci-fi armies all on Hex's of different sizes as it looks the part.
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