Posted on 31 July 2015 at 22:51:17 GMT Hi guys, I have just started skimming my way through the rule book (it arrived today). One thing I haven't been able to figure out from the rules (albeit I've only been able to dedicate 20 mins) is a standing question I have over the points allocation of HQ units and artillery or air assest. So: 1) How does the HQ points system work: In the case of an HQ unit, if I have a battalion of say 10 chieftains, 9 would be for 3 squadrons of 3 troops of tanks and then 1 HQ. When I purchase the 10th tank in the formation is it: a) Tank =185 + HQ 'upgade' 60 = 245 points. b) Tank = 185 and 'free' 'upgrade' as you have already paid for the vehicle = 185 points. c) HQ unit purchase alone = 60 points (but I get a free cheiftain?!?) d) Something else? Also, apply the same question to the battlegroup CO. In a British armoured brigade the battalion CO would also be in a chieftain (with his staff/escort) in Spartans. 2) In a similar vein, when I buy fast air assets or artillery, do I pay for the unit (eg Abbot @60 points) alone or do I pay for thr unit plus it's ammo? And if I don't buy any ammo does that mean the about have not 'weapons effect' in game? So (HE+10 Smoke+20) which means that the poor little abbot is now 50% more expensive (90 points)? Also does that 10 points HE mean 10 points covers all artillery for infinite rounds or is it litterally x1 10pt HE = one round for one weapon? So if I have 4 abbots and 4 81mm mortars and I want 5 HE rounds each am I really meant to spend 400pts on thr rounds for all those artillery pieces?!? Sorry I am sure this is a really dumb question. -Sharpe |