Inspired by Macunaima and the 1/600 CWC modules he made I decided to take another stab at modular terrain. I found working in this scale a lot easier then 15mm and the end result I think came out much better. The first 12 panels are complete and shown here along with the obligatory bottle of liquid inspiration. Each is 12'/30cm square. The albums I set up is here: Sorry about the quality of some of the shots I was a bit rushed last night. When the Domestic Niner is out of the house I'll drag them all up and lay them on the dining room table and take my time with more shots.
Panel 13-24 are already planned so I'll have a standard 4'x6' table. They'll probably be done in a few more weeks, and feature more urban panels and transitional urban to rural ones as well as more autobahn sections including an interchange.
Having tried a new technique for water, that appears to have worked, I'm now planning a couple of more ponds and 6' of winding river/creek.
Long term is a second series of 24 panels including a major 4"10cm wide by 6'/180cm long major river with autobahn bridge and an airfield with one or two runways etc. The urban area should eventually be 6-8 panels allowing for a major town.
Buildings are the SPC/Simply Six stuff from piccoarmor and a variety of 1600 and 1/700 stuff for naval dioramas found all over the net and more are on order. Trees are OO and picoarmor.
I did take several step by step pictures and will eventually do a how to piece.