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United States
Joined 30/06/11
Last Visit 01/02/21
67 Posts
Posted on 23 January 2016 at 00:21:02 GMT
So ... The Soviet Air assault was poised to take an undefended village of Eichenzell. The Soviet ground assault was preparing to complete the occupation of Welkers, and most impressive the Russian T-80 tank BN was preparing to complete the destruction of a US M-1 company.

Well... The Soviet Air assault stumbled by missing a command roll, the US dropped FASCAM on the village outskirts creating an additional obstacle preventing their occupying the village. They were caught out in the open when 6 batteries of 203mm artillery ensured the BNs destruction. This essentially broke the Soviet advance ending the game.


The ground assault successfully occupied half of the village of Welkers and would have taken the rest, as there were only 3 platoons of US infantry defending but they were ordered to withdraw.


As for the Russian tanks, after the gods of war smiled, allowing for the destruction of 2 M-1s in the woods, the rest of the company managed to escape and set up a new line of defense.


All in all it was a close game and if the air assault troops had not failed their command roll they would have been snuggled nicely in the village, thereby avoiding that punishing US artillery strike.


1. Smoke Smoke Smoke to cover all advances
2. When to dismount from the IFV - still not sure I know when.
3. Air assault is great, but you need to support them with other assets.
4. Fighting in woods is not fun for tanks. With the 10cm range, a gun fight quickly turns into a knife fight where numbers overpower technology.
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
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Posted on 25 January 2016 at 14:58:16 GMT
Like the crashed helo model, very good!

Good fun game from the look of that.

1/ Hell yes. Unless your opponent has good TI, in which case, you're stuffed.
2/ These days, as soon as possible I find - three hits with a six save means APC/IFVs get mashed up very easily. Although you then can't get the infantry anywhere useful but then, that's what helo's (and not failing command rolls) are for Grin
3/ Yeah, I've come a cropper with that before. Although I've also done the first air assault roll, dropped the troops, then got carried away and moved immediately onto the next command unit leaving the airborne sitting in the open going "Whut?" so I guess that's at least partly my fault Grin
4/ No it isn't fun! I had one game where a US combined arms company (two stands M1, one stand Bradley with infantry) flank marched, over running a hidden in woods Spetsnatz stand, which had been quietly doing useful recce work from cover. Or would have done, if the Spetsnatz hadn't blasted the Bradley and infantry from ambush followed by close assaulting one of the Abrams and sending the alst one scuttling off table...
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