This is an AAR that has is at the end of turn 3.
It is the afternoon of D1 of the Soviet Forces pushing though the Fulda Gap. This series of scenarios follows the 117th Guard MRR (BMPs) as it supports the Soviet advance.
This first scenario witnessed the regiment committing 2 BNs of mechanized infantry and a TK BN to the initial push to capture the cross-roads between Brand and Dietgez. While successful the 2 infantry BNs were rendered combat ineffective and had to be combined to continue the afternoons push.
The afternoon of the first day found the 117th tasked with capturing the towns south of Fulda - Eichenzel and Welkers which would provide a crossing over the Fulda.
The mornings assault was full of mine fields and built up position, but it is hoped that the US, being on the run, will not be able to create of occupy fortified positions.
The 117th has decided to request an air assault in support of their attack, which will land between Fulda and Eichenzel, while the last Inf BN and the tank BN will be committed to a push down L3307.
Turn 1 the 117th pushes town L3307 covered by smoke. The infantry dismounted early since the regimental commander suffered heavily in the morning when his infantry destroyed while still mounted.
Turn 2 saw several things occur. The soviet air assault landed.
The infantry continued their advance on the city.
The US was able to call in an A-10 mission which helped disrupt the Russian advance.
On the far right flank, in the woods the soviets deployed their tank BN. They ran into a company of M1s maneuvering to outflank the advancing infantry and were able to close and engage. 2 M1s were destroyed before the Soviets rolled a command blunder and were forced to retreat, thus ending the turn.
Turn 3 found the Soviet Air Assault forces scrambling, failing their command role, to launch their attack on the village. The US launched FASCAM to stop the Russians from simply walking into the undefended village. The Russian tanks rallied and once again pressed the attack on the US tank company, but were unable to score another kill. The US desperately but unsuccessfully tried to disengage.
My photobucket is not responding... I will post more pictures and continue the AAR tomorrow.