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United States
Joined 14/12/04
Last Visit 15/05/18
103 Posts
Posted on 19 November 2010 at 02:42:37 GMT
On April 30, 1968 North Vietnamese opened fire on a supply convoy moving up the Bo Dieu River causing minimal damage. The supply convoy retreated from the area and a battalion from the US Marine division has been ordered to sweep the area of any North Vietnamese troops. The area is along the DMZ.

The NVA in the area consist of 3 companies from the 320th NVA Division.

1 CO
3 HQ
2 Sniper Team
27 Infantry
6 RPG-2
2 82mm Mortar
2 57mm RR
2 130mm guns (north of DMZ)
3 Bunkers

The US OOB composes the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine Division and Bravo company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Division.

1 CO
3 HQ
1 Monitor
2 M48 Tank
8 LVTP-5
1 Recon
30 Infantry
3 M72 LAW
1 81mm Mortar
2 106mm RR mounted on 2 LVTP-5
1 O-1 Bird Dog Helicopter
1 155mm
1 Naval Guns (8" Cruiser guns)
1 4.2” Mortars
1 F-4 Phantom II
2 Napalm assets

The Marines are tasked with clearing two of the three villages of any suspected NVA with 12 turns. The terrain is grass/crop fields and rice paddies, apart from the villages surrounded by hedges. The US tanks unfortunately can not cross the creek and must provide support from the other side of the creek.

This is my first foray into Vietnam War. I like this scenario because of the variety of equipment and support. NVA have a tough time defending, so I play the NVA and other players each control a Marine company and one controls the air/naval/artillery support. NVA are heavily entrenched and behind thick hedges. They are hard to destroy, but the marines have a lot of support to call in. Napalm can be very effective, but alone will not clear an area. NVA caught in the open do not survive long.

The guys enjoyed the scenario. Vietnam War does not show up much at the club and they had no problems with the rules. I will be running this scenario again at the next convention. Once again, another successful BKC/CWC scenario.

Playtest photos:

-Rivers are from Monday Knight Productions.
-Buildings are mixture of Timecast, SHQ Miniatures, and possibly Peter Pig.
-Pagoda is a repainted Christmas ornament.
-Monitor is from SHQ Miniatures.
-Fields, cemeteries, and hedges I made.
-Figures are Minifigs or Pendraken.
-Planes are from JWings series.
-Napalm made by me using expanding insulation foam. Not perfect, but thought I saw it done well before, so gave it a go.

Book on the battle: "Magnificent Bastards" by Keith Nolan. Highly recommended.
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 19 November 2010 at 09:13:43 GMT
Great scenario Cool
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