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United Kingdom
Joined 10/07/09
Last Visit 07/04/14
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Posted on 16 June 2010 at 22:00:20 GMT
Having played a few sample games Mick and I are now a couple of games into our first CWC narrative campaign between his Soviet force and my United States force.

We are trying to get a game in every other Tuesday at Maelstrom Games.

The first game (on 25th May) was an Exploitation scenario pitching 3300pts of Soviets against a pitiful 1350pts of US troops.

The Soviets fielded two large Motor Rifle battalions supported by a company of T80's and other support troops, while the Americans had a moderate sized National Guard battalion supported by a company of M60's. Despite the Soviet Airforce not being able to make any headway on the table the Soviets brushed aside the thin screen of Americans to occupy the minor objective by the end of the game with very few losses.

This game worked out as a 3-0 win to the Soviets.
United Kingdom
Joined 10/07/09
Last Visit 07/04/14
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Posted on 16 June 2010 at 22:09:55 GMT
The next game (8th June) was a Counter Attack by the US Forces in an attempt to dislodge the Soviets.

5400pts of US troops (yes, I rolled -10% again) would attack 4400pts (yes he rolled +10% again) of Soviets.

The US force consisted of two battalions of Bradley mounted mechanised infantry, one battalion of National Guard foot sloggers, a company of M1 Abrams and a small battalion of M60s. Lee joined in on this one taking command of the National Guard and M60s.

The Soviets defended with two battalions of infantry, one on foot and one mechanised in BMPs along with a small battalion of T80 tanks.

I'd taken the camera along this time to get some shots, only to find I'd bought a set of flat rechargeables with me.

This one went much more favourably for the Americans. The superior fire power was able to counter the Soviet threat and eventually break the Soviet force for very little loss.

So a 4-0 victory for the Americans.

We'll not get another game in until 29th June, but we rolled up the scenario and 6600pts of Soviets will be launching a Diversionary Attack against 3300pts of Americans. Yes, I managed to get a positive number of points, in a scenario that I lose for actually using them Smile
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
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Posted on 16 June 2010 at 23:29:37 GMT
Sounds really good. Any pics? Gimme
United Kingdom
Joined 10/07/09
Last Visit 07/04/14
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Posted on 17 June 2010 at 06:27:08 GMT
I'll remember to take both camera and batteries one of these days.
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