Greg & I had some 1980's Iran Iraq action last week. 3000pts per side with an objective of capturing each others village.
Iranian Forces were:
Infantry Battalion: 9 teams plus Sagger & HMG
Mech Infantry Battalion: 9 teams plus Sagger & HMG in M113
Tank Battalion: 6 M60, 3 M48
Support: 2 Batterys 105mm
Iraqi Forces
Infantry Battalion: 9 teams plus Mortar & HMG
Mech Infantry Battalion: 9 teams plus Mortar & HMG in BTR152
Tank Battalion: 7 T62, 3 T72
Support: 2 Batterys 122mm, 1 Battery BM21, 1 Mi24
Both sides deployed their foot sloggers on the table holding a village on each side. The reserve battalions were to enter at a random point on each table edge. A minor victory to contest the opponents village and a major one to take it.
The game played out quite well, the tank battalions arrived practically opposite each other, the Iranians leaving the M60s to engage the Iraqi armour while the CO took the M48 on a wide maneuver against the enemy. Iranian Mech Infantry that were planning to support the M48 attack constantly failed command rolls and did not arrive on table until turn 6.
After 8 turns neither player had got close to the enemies village and totting up casualties both sides had knocked out exactly 870pts worth of enemy troops for a dead draw.
Some images here: