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Joined 15/07/08
Last Visit 05/05/17
138 Posts
Posted on 12 June 2009 at 08:18:07 GMT
Thinking of stealing the deviation rules from FWC with FAO's in specialist vehicles with ground surv radar/laser rangerfinder. It seems a bit strange that with radar and sat nav and all the computers in a M981 FIST don't get an advantage.

Couple of variants,
a)FAO's get an additional -1 to the number of dice for deviation

b)-1 per die rolled (5 becomes 4 etc)

c) 1d6 per 30cm distance instead of the usual 20
Dr Dave
Joined 08/10/07
Last Visit 04/11/19
936 Posts
Posted on 12 June 2009 at 08:37:23 GMT
Points to bear in mind:

Every one has laser range finders - you can buy them for golf (DisapproveDisapproveDisapprove) so it might be a "factored in" issue. Also, GSR will only work so long as there's no dead ground. I think that GSR is there to really help recognise target types at night, not so much in daylight, ecept at very long ranges?

Hezbollah have rangefinders and night vision - it's no big thing nowadays - not since the mid 90s really.
Joined 15/07/08
Last Visit 29/11/19
138 Posts
Posted on 15 June 2009 at 06:11:04 GMT
The games we are going are late 80's, before the gps satallites were declassified for public use.
Joined 08/11/08
Last Visit 19/01/23
1348 Posts
Posted on 15 June 2009 at 09:37:55 GMT
GSR - tells yuo somthing is there, not what. Laser ranger, need to see the target, and distance limited. Nato also had surveyed all their positions, so didn't need GPS in Germany. Quite likley the Pact had too. Then theres the comms problems, FIST is late 80's kit, and our take on the new electronics were based on what the DOD wanted us to know. Finally - there are guns themselves, if you are fighting well into the war they will be well worn, and that has more effects

Therefore, you could but its not too accurate. Might be better to take a standard small reduction, say 1-2 cm. Bear in mind that fire control orders like Fire Grid 123 457, then Left 2000, then right 1000, up 100, fire for effect (could possibly be ME!Blush) Be carful with Arty, it's very powerful.

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