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Joined 17/03/16
Last Visit 05/12/21
30 Posts
Posted on 30 June 2016 at 07:23:54 GMT
Hello again
Another game of CWC and new questions arises. Last night we played the exploitation scenario and ran into a bit of a problem with the replacement of dead Hg. The exploiting player got his flank attacking Hq along with all of his troops killed. He still had reserves and as the rules state, a Hq can be placed anywhere on the table on the turn following his death. I know he then misses the first turn and that his CV drops one, but on the other hand he could be placed on the backline, in cover and then the following turn deploy the reserves thereby winning the game.

Of course nobody wants to win like that and we are working on some way of limiting the replacement sphere of killed commanders. Somewhere along the line of within XX cm of friendly troops or on your own table half.

Does anybody else have any thoughts on this matter?

United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 30 June 2016 at 16:23:25 GMT
Hmmm, would just not allowing the use of reserves in the specific scenario be a simple enough amendment? Or are they written in; I don't have a copy of FWC to hand to read it Smile
United Kingdom
Joined 04/09/06
Last Visit 03/09/23
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Posted on 30 June 2016 at 17:41:18 GMT
I would say that he doesn't get a replacement HQ if all the troops in the unit have been killed. No one left to move up the command chain as it where.
United Kingdom
Joined 16/08/09
Last Visit 27/08/21
170 Posts
Posted on 30 June 2016 at 20:59:27 GMT
I know this isn't the answer you want, but I'd have thought that unless you agreed a rules variation before the game to cover this situation, you play as the rules state. The replacement HQ should appear a turn later where the player wants.
You can only replace a command unit once.
Joined 29/01/09
Last Visit 20/01/22
997 Posts
Posted on 30 June 2016 at 21:42:49 GMT
He has to make a successful command roll to deploy the reserves and if successful they cannot make any action on that turn. Now you could consider that the player would need to make a successful command roll on the next turn and make an action to occupy the baseline table third. Even if he is successful surely if he has lost all his troops hasn't he reached his breakpoint?
Joined 17/03/16
Last Visit 10/12/21
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Posted on 01 July 2016 at 07:37:40 GMT
Its true that the replaced hq need to wait a turn and then do a command role on a reduced CV, but when you only have half as many ponts as the opponent, the ability to completely redeploy a hq and then bring in reserves is a bit of a tough nut to crack.

We have decided that the replaced hq has to be deployed within one move distance of friendly troops, usually mening 40 cm.
Joined 29/01/09
Last Visit 20/01/22
997 Posts
Posted on 01 July 2016 at 09:19:25 GMT
Did you have no forces at all in the baseline third of the table?
Joined 17/03/16
Last Visit 10/12/21
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Posted on 01 July 2016 at 10:08:31 GMT
Most of my force was in or very near the baseline third of the tabble, but if you look at the bat. rep. link you will see that we played on a very large table, so teleporting dead hq´s with reserve troops can quickly become a problem.
Joined 29/01/09
Last Visit 20/01/22
997 Posts
Posted on 01 July 2016 at 10:25:25 GMT
As the exploitation scenario classes the baseline third of the table as a terrain objective your opponent has to have 3 infantry units per 1000 points. So unless your opponent only had a 1000 point Battlegroup then only having 3 infantry units does not result in the terrain objective being occupied. Need 6 units for 2000 points etc.


Richard P Grin
Joined 17/03/16
Last Visit 10/12/21
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Posted on 01 July 2016 at 10:36:58 GMT
The errate says that you only have to hold objectives with 3 inf units regardless of force size
Joined 28/06/16
Last Visit 08/02/22
10 Posts
Posted on 01 July 2016 at 10:39:35 GMT
According to the Errata you only need to have 3 infantry total.

Here is the link to the actual battle.
Joined 29/01/09
Last Visit 20/01/22
997 Posts
Posted on 01 July 2016 at 11:53:36 GMT
Thanks I had missed that one Grin

Great looking game Grin


Richard P Grin
Joined 02/12/16
Last Visit 22/12/16
6 Posts
Posted on 02 December 2016 at 02:10:23 GMT
I know a little about game...LifelessLifeless.
But here is an interesting thing to enjoy with you.
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