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Joined 31/10/13
Last Visit 27/04/17
54 Posts
Posted on 07 April 2014 at 12:59:58 GMT
Hi folk, so a couple of question that arose lately from an intensive re-reading of the book and some great games,

So if anyone would care to answer, that would be very nice. I break down my questions as affirmation, I just need somebody to tell me “true or false”, here goes:

1 Which of this affirmation is true:
a. «When reaching a minor objective and a major objective you get 3 VP”
b. “When reaching a minor objective and major objective you get 2 VP because this is not cumulative”

2 Is this affirmation true:
“When a unit is using response fire against an assaulting unit, the score to hit depends of the cover of the assaulting unit”

3 Is this affirmation true:
“In a mobile deployment, when rolling a double 1 on the roll to deploy your units, your unit get one free order to be done immediately after they enter the table”

4 Is this affirmation true :
“In a mobile deployment, the first order you give to units once they get on the table suffers from a -1 in command because of the order to get on table”

5 Which one is true :
a. “For flank deployment, you choose the side and the section of the table at the beginning of the game”
b. “For flank deployment, you choose the side and the section of the table at the moment you do the deployment command roll”

6 Is this affirmation true :
“Armies with rigid tactical doctrine do get a +1 command bonus for off table units if all those units are ordered the same thing”

7 Is this affirmation true :
“Armies with rigid tactical doctrine do get a +1 command bonus in mobile deployment when the order all units in the formation to move on the table”

Here it is, mostly concerns about deployment as you can see. I also kind of have an open question, that I would like some advices about. We don’t use fixe formation with my group of players, then should we use the command bonus for rigid tactical doctrine ? I don’t even remember how it came out this way but now we are using it like this : you get your bonus if your units are of the same type, and do conduct the same action… What do you think about that ?
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