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ImageImageImageCurrent Topic Giving Modern Russians Normal Tactical Doctrine?
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United Kingdom
Joined 10/11/12
Last Visit 13/10/17
34 Posts
Posted on 28 January 2014 at 16:25:02 GMT
Been putting together a 2015 alternate-world campaign for the past few months now and one thing that keeps cropping up from my avid-diehard Russia player is that they are more of a reactive army even though they have the best toys to field as command rolls never seem to favour them, the lack of command range makes it hard to carry out prolonged attacks, and the discussion of why you wouldn't just deploy nothing but armour keep cropping up.

This was true in my first demo game I've had with many people so I was wondering would giving the Normal Tactical Doctrine to a modern (1990+ units only) Russian army make them slightly overpowered? I mean it's only an extra 5cm command range and the ability for other HQs and COs to order different formations.

To me they would be similar to the American Army in many respects though their choice of weaponry and point costs vary depending on the units. I really wouldn't mind more Russian army players in my campaign but they feel the Rigid Doctrine doesn't seem to suit the a modern russia! I think at maximum it would be Normal.
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