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Joined 31/10/13
Last Visit 27/04/17
54 Posts
Posted on 31 October 2013 at 12:43:24 GMT
Hi guys ! First of all thanks for the great support on this forum it is an important element of what makes CWC such a great game. I have some questions that are going around my mind for a while. Answers to them would be much apreciated !

1. Could on-table artillery use special munitions (the asset being paid) ?
Example : I have one soviets 2S1 on table , it falls under the command of an HQ (command 8), I want to shoot a chemical with it.
Will I proceed like this : pick the target in LOS of the artillery unit ; roll the order (with the command value of the HQ and a -1 for requesting a special munition) ; hit the target with my chemical without devaition.

2. What happens exactly when several units are in the same building and get shot at ?
Does the attacker choose wich unit in the building is shot ? Are all units in the building shot ? Should we split the attack value between the units in the building ?
I will split my hypothesis in several example so it will be more understandable :
H1 : I have two soviet conscripts units in a house (unit A and B). They are shot by an abrams tank (6/120). The american player picks soviet conscript unit A as his target and roll 6 dices against soviet unit A, leaving soviet unit B safe.
H2 : The abrams tank shoot at the same building with again conscripts A and B in it. The american player rolls 6 dices against unit A, then, 6 dices against unit B.
H3 : The abrams tank shoot at the same building with again conscripts A and B in it. The american players splits his attacks as he wishes, for instance : 4 for unit A and 2 for unit B.
So wich one would be the right one ?

3. How high ground (hills) and high area terrain (like woods) affects helicopters ? Again, I will try to break down my hypothesis :

Considering high ground : would we use the crest line rule for helicopters considering the position of the helicopter and its target unit ? Or high ground just does not block line of sight ?

Considering high area terrain : my understanding is that it blocks line of sight. But, what happens if I choose to put my helicopter inside the high area terrain ?
Here is an example : there is two abrams tank in a wood. They are not in base contact with the hedge of the wood. A soviet HQ is able to call in an Hind helicopter on them, the impact point falls on an abrams. The soviet player chooses to put the hind in the wood : will the helicopter see the abrams and the impact point following the rule for vision inside an high area terrain (the hind will see units 10cm around its position)?

4. This last question is just a validation of my understanding of a rule. It concerns line of sight inside low area terrain and from outside the area to inside the area. Here is my understanding : two units within a low area terrain, that are both AFV, can see each other at a 20 cm distance. Then : if I have an AFV inside the low area terrain, and an AFV outside the low area terrain, the can only see each other over a section of low area terrain that is not wider than 10cm. Is this correct ?

Thanks a lot guys !
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
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Posted on 31 October 2013 at 15:51:41 GMT
Welcome, Hadrien!

1. Yes I don't see why not, although I assume special munitions would be kept further back.

2. The attacker can choose. Attacks are never split.

3. I think this is a case of if the helicopter wants to fire, it will expose itself so will be seen over any terrain.

4. Yes that is correct.
United Kingdom
Joined 04/09/06
Last Visit 03/09/23
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Posted on 31 October 2013 at 22:27:51 GMT
Hi Hadrien,
don't have the rule book in front of me but from memory.
1. Don't think so only Artillery Observers can request "special munitions".
2. As Pete says.
3. If not performing a pop up attack the Helo would have to place its self so it could see the aiming point, so would be exposed. In your example you could attack the Abrams with rockets as these use the area template, so dont need to actually "see" the target under it. You would not be able to use a ATGW attack as the minimum distance is 20cm.
4. Not sure would need to check.
Hope this helps
Joined 31/10/13
Last Visit 27/04/17
54 Posts
Posted on 03 November 2013 at 22:43:37 GMT
Thank you very much for both your answers !

It's always great to have some insight on rules on such a short notice. This is something I love about this game...

By the way Pete's answer about question 3 (concerning helicopters) made me a little confuse...

So I got another question, if anybody care to answer it that would be very nice. Again it's more a validation of my understanding of the rules.

Here is how I understand things :

Regardind helicopters : High ground, like hills, do not block line of sight between helicopters and ground units.

High area terrains (like woods) do block line of sight betwween helicopters and ground units. Exception to this will be pop-up attacks : there, high area terrain will not block line of sight.

Ground units being inside an high area terrain (with no edge of the base in contact with edge of the area terrain) cannot be seen from an helicopter. Exception to that would be to put the helicopter model on the high area terrain (the helicopter is flying over the forest) and then this helicopter can be seen over any terrain.

Is that correct ? Now, I noticed on the forum that usually it is better to go one topic-one question... So if it is better with this forum habits to create a new topic for this question, please let me know !

Thanks a lot for future answers.
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