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Joined 13/11/07
Last Visit 28/02/15
11 Posts
Posted on 14 March 2011 at 22:07:01 GMT
I have been building up my Canadian 4 CMBG units (c.1984), and had decided to represent the Air Defence battery as 5 detachments of Blowpipes. This allowed me to distribute the equivalent of 15 launchers throughout the Brigade.

Then I moved on to the Russians, using the WRG Orbat available from the download page. Each MR Bn gets 1 stand of SA-7, which presumably represents 9 or more launchers.

I'm confused...

What have you done in your collections?


James Smith
Joined 18/11/10
Last Visit 02/05/12
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Posted on 15 March 2011 at 12:59:54 GMT
I have something similar at 1/600, 1 Platoon stand with 3 BMPs modeled on it and one stand of dismounts with 3 "teams" actually about 6 figures per team.

At the WP Regimental Level there is this the AA from the HQs and the Regimental AA Coy, 1 Platoon of SU-23s and 1 of SA-9s, not really a lot if NATO gets air.Huh?
United Kingdom
Joined 16/08/09
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Posted on 15 March 2011 at 17:15:39 GMT
I'd put the consolidation date for the SA-7/14s slightly earlier - 1980/81.
Joined 13/11/07
Last Visit 28/02/15
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Posted on 15 March 2011 at 23:12:06 GMT
Thanks for the input guys,I think that will work for the Soviets. I can manage that without more purchases.

Have I overestimated the Blowpipe teams? Perhaps only 3 stands representing 5 launchers each, instead of 5 stands?

United Kingdom
Joined 03/07/07
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Posted on 16 March 2011 at 13:08:30 GMT
I've always assumed that the blowpipe detachments would firstly be allocated to defend the artillery assets and then the rest to the fighting units but that's only a personal impression.
James Smith
Joined 18/11/10
Last Visit 02/05/12
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Posted on 16 March 2011 at 14:07:55 GMT
Brian I'm using the same org you are 5 stands with three teams each, haven't seen anything to the contrary. As Jules said I would presume one stand of three teams to each of the 3 Battle Groups (RCD, RCR, R22R) and one to the Arty with one left as a spare for the Bde HQ to assign.

Given the range both in game terms and real life, 3 teams could cover (barely) a Battalion against some air threats.

ADATS and the 35mm would be nice but they arrived later on and were primarily airfield defence units.

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