Posted on 09 September 2010 at 01:26:22 GMT I have been using the rules changes from BKC II in my games of CWC (terrain saves, new blunder tables etc.). Well most, anyway... One other major change I’d like to usein my CWC games is different AP / AT values for the various troop types (like in BKC II). So I was wondering if Pete could tell us whether there is a guiding principle / formula / method to calculate the AP / AT values, so that we can do this ourselves for CWC equipment? eg: Is the AT value based on ammo type / calibre / velocity / accuracy /penetration / something else?? Is the AP value based on Qty of MG’s / ammo type / calibre / velocity / beaten zone / ROF / Fragmentation / something else?? I'd calculate myself if we can be given the method. But ideally, it’d be great if everyone could be given access to common CWC lists updated to include AP / AT values. Maybe this could be implemented via updated PDF lists on the website? Or even better, through the Battlegroups tool (that way people have paid for the work required and for access to the lists)? Regards, bish |