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Joined 11/03/09
Last Visit 13/01/14
85 Posts
Posted on 30 January 2010 at 16:43:21 GMT
I'm a little confused about this part. When I look at adding artillery as an asset, it states it as being HE, but there is nothing that I can see about the stats for it.
Is HE arty the normal stats as HE is the normal round for arty?
Joined 23/08/07
Last Visit 16/08/18
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Posted on 30 January 2010 at 16:58:06 GMT
Yes, it's normal round for artillery.
Joined 26/01/08
Last Visit 18/02/15
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Posted on 30 January 2010 at 17:36:29 GMT
Yes, the default listing for Arty is HE (ie from Soviet modern list 122mm is Att 3 for HE.)
Joined 11/03/09
Last Visit 18/01/14
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Posted on 30 January 2010 at 20:18:56 GMT
Okay...I thought so...just wanted to double check...Thanks Grin
United States
Joined 21/10/08
Last Visit 04/10/15
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Posted on 21 March 2013 at 13:46:43 GMT
Thread revival!

If I bring atry units, they "come with" the HE assets to use as needed when called in via a command check (in command phase)?

I only need to pay extra points to buy "assets" that are scheduled to arrive on a certain turn in a certain place?

Eg. A battalion of 6 2S1-122mm self propelled artillery units would need to "buy" assets for each of the six guns? If so I could designate 6 different scheduled asset strikes each turn if I bought the assets?
United States
Joined 21/10/08
Last Visit 04/10/15
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Posted on 21 March 2013 at 13:53:18 GMT
Follow up question....

Since Soviets can actually bring the arty on to the table for direct fire, can I use them in that mode for firing in the command phase AND make use of scheduled arty strikes?
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
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Posted on 21 March 2013 at 16:49:50 GMT
1/ Assets - called for fire by a FAO/HQ doesn't need assets. Scheduled fire does, and must be pre-plotted before game start to a specific turn & point on table. Each arty asset allows one gun to fire for one turn. So if you have six off table arty and six assets all could be pre-plotted for a single turn, or two pre-plotted for three turns each etc.

Special munitions (except smoke) can be pre-plotted or called in, but always take an asset to use (of whatever type they are).

2/ On board arty - No. Once on table they act as a normal unit and only fire as other units (i.e. LoS only, once per activation, at one specific stand and not as a burst area). BKC II has rules for "battalion guns"/arty support stands which are worth transplanting though, which basically let on table arty act like mortars normally do.
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