I picked up some GHQ 1/285th models of the CVR(T) Scorpion with the 90mm gun, but I don't see that explicitly listed in the "British Army,Cold War/Gulf Wars/Modern" list in the rules (and believe me, Pete, I know -- you can't include EVERYTHING).
Would I be right in guessing that the stats for the Scorpion-90 would be identical to those for the basic Scorpion, with the following exceptions?
Attacks: 4/100 (taken from the French Eland 90 AC), straight up (as in, no "(H)" limitation)
Points: Ummm....

more than the Scorpion-76's 65 points (85 minus the +20 fee for Recce)? Obviously, if I want the Scorpion-90's to have the Recce ability, I'd not deduct the Recce fee.

Sames as Scorpion-76, or do all the Scorpion-90s tend to have fancier tech than the -76's, warranting different special notes?
It's not a big deal. I'm planning on using these in an "AK-47 Republic"-themed army, but battles to be fought using CWC, so deviations from reality aren't a MAJOR concern for me here, but it would be nice to know I'm spending an appropriate number of points for these as I cost out my army.
Thanks in advance!