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United Kingdom
Joined 27/10/07
Last Visit 07/10/11
9 Posts
Posted on 21 October 2009 at 03:37:35 GMT
Im not a fancy painter at all, I consider misxing paint to be a bit too much logistics tbh. Anyhow, thats my admission out of the way, Im about to do a 1967 Egyptian force and was thinking of doing it in the pale desert colour. I tend to stick to either miniature paints or Tamiya acrylics (I love no hassle).

Im thinking of using pale flesh from miniature paints possibly with a very slight amount of sand in, the look Im after is probably like this

Anyone else done egyptians in this style ?.
United Kingdom
Joined 14/07/09
Last Visit 04/10/12
95 Posts
Posted on 21 October 2009 at 05:14:56 GMT
Your painting style will also depend on scale. For example if you painting 6mm tanks just painting them a flat pale sand and they will look like a blob on the board, you will need to add a few more tones so the tank stands out a bit more. If your miniatures are bigger you can get away with it more. I have painted alot of 6mm vehicles and would use a base colour sand then followed with a brown wash, followed with drybrushing lighter shades until I get the desired effect.
big dave
United Kingdom
Joined 10/05/07
Last Visit 17/11/16
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Posted on 21 October 2009 at 06:13:29 GMT
I painted my 67 egyptians plae sand, brown camo, brown wash, drybursh sand again. Easy!

Army Painter do several excellent desert type sprays, I used them on my Somalia Yanks, one spray, wash, dry brush:
Joined 24/06/06
Last Visit 06/02/17
363 Posts
Posted on 21 October 2009 at 07:22:05 GMT
Have a look at the DAY OF ATONEMNENT battle report in the downloads page. It features some egyptians in 6mm I painted a year or so ago.

Games workshop paints - Graveyard Earth basecoat, devlan mud wash and heavy drybrush with bleached bone.

Done JobGrin

By the way my Egyptians, Syrians and Israelis may well be going up for trade in the not too distant future to fund another project
Joined 08/11/08
Last Visit 19/01/23
1348 Posts
Posted on 21 October 2009 at 10:10:22 GMT
Tamiya buff as the main coat, with black undercoat, and dry brush with a very pale yellow or white.

United Kingdom
Joined 27/10/07
Last Visit 07/10/11
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Posted on 23 October 2009 at 09:24:09 GMT
Thank you all for the advice. Big Dave, im definitely doing some up in the same style as yours (they will fit in well with any eastern theatre then aswell as 73), but I have to do at least one battalion, and probably my 34/85's in tht pale desert, dont ask me why, but whilst Ive seen the IS3's in 67 in BW photos and was not impressed, seeing that model I have linked it was just a case of . . . . . I gotta have some of them Grin.

Will try the techniques advised on here, also had a quick try using pale flesh with an earth wash and it actually does not look too bad but it was an old sand coloured 34 of mine and I want to try with a darker undercoat.
United Kingdom
Joined 27/10/07
Last Visit 07/10/11
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Posted on 23 October 2009 at 09:35:34 GMT

As a side story and relating to wargamers mountains of unpainted lead, I over ordered IS3's a long time ago and always knew I might use em for a modern sometime. Well, sure enough, the 25 or so (when I thought I was ordering individuals , I was ordering packs) spare have gone missing, whilst looking for em, I have found 14 M47's ( yay, Jordan 67 is now on the cards, and erm, other folks aswell). 8 M16 spaa, 12 M4A3E8 (hmm, is it time for me to get that US BKC BG up and going), probably a divisions worth of soviet bridging equipment (egypt 73 yay !) 5 unpainted zsu23-4, 2 zsu-57-2 (chinese version), a host of chinese APC's. 6 packs of assorted navar ww2 infantry, 4 or 5 SA-6.

This is all on top of the stuff I knew I had Stunned
United Kingdom
Joined 27/10/07
Last Visit 07/10/11
9 Posts
Posted on 23 October 2009 at 15:27:59 GMT
I had a strange feeling if there was a comment from you . . . . . it might be that, git Wink
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