I finished up some more 10mm forces for the desert. Or I almost finished them, I'm waiting on some reinforcements from Pendraken and Minifigs. But I've finished what I had on hand, which is a worthy accomplishment for me, so I figured I'd post some pics
I'm really wanting to dive into Ivan's new "Brigade Command," but so far the stars just haven't been lining up. I had some business travel to tend to, in addition to other 'real-life' distractions such as baseball practice, doctor appointments, etc... Lastly, I'm having project ADD; first revolving around Brigade Command itself, where I have two Warsaw Pact-equipped forces ready to go, but now I'm wanting to play NATO vs WarPac and/or desert stuff, but I don't have forces ready for that yet (and won't for awhile; Good Lord there's still so much to do...). But then I also want to play some air-to air and Napoleons. And then I keep working on 10mm stuff, which is the point of this post.
First I worked on some vehicles for an infantry force that's been sitting for far too long, then I did up three 'partner' forces. That is, I have three sets of troops in temperate gear, and now I did up their desert-gear counterparts. I haven't actually finished hardly any of these forces as each individual force has a couple needs, mostly support weapons, and usually machine guns at that. So I've got orders in with Pendraken and Minifigs as we speak, and once they arrive I'll be able to put the finishing touches everyone.
First up are some Israeli vehicles: three Merkavas, four M-113 variants, and one AH-64 Apache.
The three forces I mostly finished up: desert USMC at top, desert French Foreign Legion in the center, and desert Pendraken Argentinians at bottom.
Sorry for the crappy photo, but I need some help. I received three bags marked BR8, but there are clearly two different models. On the left is the one I think is actually the Pendraken BR8 Amtrac. On the right are two bags of... I dunno. The funny thing is, the two on the right have .50 cal MGs that are absolutely, 100% Pendraken, which I'm sure of because I have boatloads of those same MGs. Don't let the bottom right distract you, compare the two at the top and I think you'll see they are clearly different sizes.
The two Pendraken Panzer Mark IIIs are there to give scale. Top left you see the Panzer and the Amtrac are about the same size, while at bottom right the Amtrac dwarfs the Panzer. Oh yeah, the one on the left has a 'waterline' model as well, while the two on the right do not.
So, the question is, are the two Amtracs on the right Pendraken models (and just different models of Amtrac), or are they from Lord knows where (I'd swear the two on the right are 15mm).
To see a bunch more photos, click here:
Stay tuned, more to come, I'm working my butt off and hoping to get some gaming in tomorrow.