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ImageImageImageCurrent Topic 2015 US Army & Russian Army Paint Schemes
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United Kingdom
Joined 10/11/12
Last Visit 13/10/17
34 Posts
Posted on 01 July 2013 at 17:48:04 GMT
Finally get together some miniatures for an upcoming campaign that is set during 2015 where large parts of the world collapse under the growing weight of supply and demand for their country, thus breaking out into war of expansion to get it. The armies I'm focuses on are the large armoured forces of America and Russia; where America invades Russia for it's newly discovered oil deposits despite having the disadvantage of being the invading force, but also not being on their home soil.

A flawed and cliche storyline but it is relatively good for a campaign between mates at my gaming club. Grin

Just wondering what kind of paint schemes I should paint/undercoat a vast majority of the armour? As the games will mainly be armour based. Currently using all the normal army lists from the book but instead of Soviet Union it is essentially modern Russia.
Czech Republic
Joined 20/05/13
Last Visit 26/05/15
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Posted on 02 July 2013 at 11:46:05 GMT
majority of US will be plain desert as sultanbev suggests, as most of photos i saw from recent NATO trainings most of US armour was in desert scheme. and when **** hit the fan they will not be enough time to repaint vehicles.....
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