After reading a lot of your great AAR's and posts I kinda like the idea of mounting vehicle platoons as 1:1. I'm lucky that I havn't based anything yet but I need some more metal then...
My first plan was three vehicles to a platoon, but it seems that W. Germany used four as the magic number.
I have the pc game WinSPMBT with a lot of newly updated OOB's and have used that for inspiration. Its this too crazy, I mean I could go with 3 models per base?
As of 1981:
- JPz ATGM Pl is 5 x (Jaguar or RakJagdPz)
- Panzer Pl is 4 main battle tanks
- PzGr Platoon is 3xinf and 3xAPC
- Brig Recon Pl is 8 x (Luchs)
- Recon Troop is 2 x (Luchs)
- SPA Battery is 6 x (M109 or M110)
- SPA Section is 3 x (M109 or M110)
- SPAA Platoon is 4 x (Gepard)