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BKC Rule Queries - Topics Author Replies Read Last Post
Link to 'What was the last query?' topic What was the last query? Dave Fielder 0 1660  23:02:13 GMT
by Dave Fielder
Link to 'Infantry Guns and Mortars and Aior' topic Infantry Guns and Mortars and Aior michaelk 5 1218  20:57:52 GMT
by SteveJ
Link to 'Recce' topic Recce vladvondrak 3 1165  18:04:35 GMT
by Big Insect
Link to 'Any BKC I Errata Available?' topic Any BKC I Errata Available? RobHamper 10 1308  16:07:01 GMT
by Big Insect
Link to 'Please Clear Up 'Assets' for Me - BKC I' topic Please Clear Up 'Assets' for Me - BKC I RobHamper 1 861  06:01:16 GMT
by RobHamper
Link to 'Split commands' topic Split commands zakk64 3 969  16:56:28 GMT
by billb
Link to 'Suppression' topic Suppression Oliver Cromwell 1 1085  08:52:07 GMT
by Small All
Link to 'Air support target point and AA fire' topic Air support target point and AA fire Dr Dave 1 1281  13:19:13 GMT
by toxicpixie
Link to 'BKC III  Errata' topic BKC III Errata UofUman 0 1123  05:05:34 GMT
by UofUman
Link to 'Forming an Orders Group' topic Forming an Orders Group Ken_ACT 6 1222  17:04:53 GMT
by sediment
Link to 'how does rocket launchers work? neblewerfers and w' topic how does rocket launchers work? neblewerfers and w vicmagpa1 2 1499  04:23:33 GMT
by vicmagpa1
Link to 'CV penalties' topic CV penalties jizbrand 16 1799  15:24:02 GMT
by siggian
Link to 'comand modifier' topic comand modifier michoD 4 1431  12:51:00 GMT
by SteveJ
Link to 'Smoke' topic Smoke dougydouglas 2 1342  12:12:00 GMT
by dougydouglas
Link to 'Russian 203 guns..?' topic Russian 203 guns..? Loewe75 2 1370  10:00:10 GMT
by rnaylor1
Link to 'Combat question' topic Combat question Lawless 3 1302  08:21:02 GMT
by Pete
Link to 'Russian 'all doing the same thing bonus'' topic Russian 'all doing the same thing bonus' Oliver Cromwell 4 1387  05:37:11 GMT
by Oliver Cromwell
Link to 'Recce units cost if played as normal units?' topic Recce units cost if played as normal units? Davout 7 1580  17:12:35 GMT
by Davout
Link to '3 rules questions!' topic 3 rules questions! johnboy 9 1788  12:42:32 GMT
by rcrossman
Link to 'Transport' topic Transport Diggia 5 1529  13:56:50 GMT
by siggian
Link to 'BKC2 Noob: Playing 1:1' topic BKC2 Noob: Playing 1:1 zinntheinvader 3 1487  08:19:20 GMT
by NTM
Link to 'Close Assault Tank in AFV pit' topic Close Assault Tank in AFV pit todd.jayhawk 5 1438  20:34:25 GMT
Link to 'Scenario 7: Pursuit' topic Scenario 7: Pursuit SteveJ 2 1265  07:57:24 GMT
by SteveJ
Link to '3mm distance' topic 3mm distance WilliamW 3 1304  14:52:22 GMT
by nikharwood
Link to 'Visibility, high ground. I don't get it.' topic Visibility, high ground. I don't get it. WilliamW 8 1425  13:03:25 GMT
by unit1997
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